Thursday, July 17, 2008

Eddie Winslow Files Restraining Order Against Superhead

If you haven't heard, Superhead has been making serious claims that Darius McCrary (Eddie Winslow from Family Matters) has been beatin' her silly! CLICK HERETo add to the drama, we have received a direct statement from Eddie....oops, we mean Darius McCrary in which he bluntly denies all of the blah-blah that Superhead has been personally feeding the media!Crisis Statement from Darius McCraryRegarding: Criminal Allegations by Karrine Steffans (aka “SuperHead”):
“As evident in her books “Confessions of a Video Vixen” and “The Vixen Diaries”, author Karrine Steffans is extremely talented in manipulating the truth and capitalizing at the expense of others. Against my better judgment and at the advice of other notable public figures, I, too, regret getting involved with Ms. Steffans. The allegations are not true. Because I have been ignoring her pursuits, I feel that she is reacting immaturely and unjust. When I broke it off with her, I tried to maintain a friendship with her out of concern for her son. A restraining order has been filed to ensure that Ms. Steffans does not continue to show up at my place of business or work, stalk or follow me, and damage any more of my personal property – as well as restrict her from accessing my voice mail and e-mails. I feel extremely sad for her and even sadder for her son. I look forward to putting this incident behind me.”Darius McCrary has also filed a police restraining order against Superhead claiming that she is a danger to his life. CLICK HERE TO VIEWLike I said before, I think that Superhead is lyin' about this whole situation just to bring media attention to herself in preparation for her new upcoming book! Fellas, take my advice, stay away from this chick! I just don't understand why these celeb knuckleheads continue to mess with this skank knowing how shady she is. I understand that she has some serious skills in the sheets, but let's be real......she's isn't the only woman on earth who can put it down


Anonymous said...

With all said I really enjoyed Eddie Winslow in family matters. For him to do something stupid like this makes me say hmmm. Just going on her books along not to mention all the radio interviews. You see something there that is not rap to tight. She needs counseling and time to herself. I really thought he had more class.

Anonymous said...

There are pictures of her attacking his car at BlogTalkRadio where he gave an interview yesterday.