Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Interview with George Cook

I am also a self published poet from NJ. The title of my book is Let's Talk Honestly "My Poetry". I coach young boys 11-14 in football and basketball. This past season my flag football team won the town championship. I do this to help keep the little knuckleheads off the street. I am also active in my community and am a activist of sorts. I believe that African Americans have to stop waiting for Uncle Sam to help them and do foe self, but first we must realize that many of our wounds are self inflicted before we can fix them. I talk about these issues in my free ebook LET'S TALK HONESTLY VOL.2 which is available to read here LTH V2 The book is just 41 pages, but it is full of poems and essays on the black condition. I also run my own web site at letstalkhonestly.com where I have my own talk show that you can listen too as well as read and watch black news you might not get anywhere else here: BLACK NEWS, BLACK VIEWS.